by Rick Nau
- Collect all tests and quizzes that you have on hand.
- If you are missing any tests or quizzes, get copies from your teacher or friends.
- If your final will cover a chapter not tested, collect all homework and handouts on this chapter and staple together.
- Arrange tests, quizzes and item 3 material in reverse order by date (most recent on top).
- Write the chapter number at the top of every page (front and back).
- Working backwards by date, redo in writing all questions that you got correct.
- Get complete solutions to all of the questions that you missed (except extra credit problems).
- Working backwards through your tests and quizzes, learn how to do as many of the questions that you missed as possible. This may require sessions with your teacher, a tutor, or with friends who are good at teaching math, chemistry or physics.
- Working backwards, redo all problems (in writing) a second time. If you are running out of time, concentrate on the problems you are most likely to forget without practice (usually the ones with more steps).
- Working backwards, mentally practice all problems. Go through them in the same order (2 or 3 times, if possible) until you can see all of the problems on each page as you would the pictures in a book.
- Get enough sleep the night before the final and have a good breakfast before it.
- Use the concentration methods that you've learned in sports, theater, dance, music or other areas to help you relax and focus during the exam.