SAT Versus ACT - Which Is The Best For You?
SAT versus ACT
How To Decide Which Test Is The Best For You
by Rick Nau
Here’s the short version.
Find out whether any of the schools you’ll be applying to favor one test over the other. (You’ll have to ask a college counselor about this.)
Purchase these two books: The Official SAT Study Guide & The Official ACT Prep Guide.
Take the 1st 2 tests in the SAT book (timed) and score them.
Take the 1st 2 tests in the ACT book (timed) and score them.
Compute your average score for each test. Compare your scores. Since the tests aren’t scored the same way, you’ll need some help. Click here for the chart that will show you how to equate your scores.
Choose the test that gives you the higher score. If your scores are about the same, go with the test you feel the most comfortable with.